A comprehensıve perspectıve on the use of artıfıcıal ıntellıgence ın educatıon
It is possible to say that developing technology has a great impact on our lives and has taken up a
It demands from vocational education and training (VET) providers to teach their students new roles and tasks, it drives the growth of complexity of work, and it requires the existing and emerging vocational education and training (VET) experts to learn new forms of cooperative work alongside of artificial intelligence (AI). In confronting this change, the vocational education and training (VET) providers acknowledge and embrace their share of the digital transformation effort.
The general objective of AI4VET4AI is to establish a transnational European platform for vocational education and training (VET) excellence. This platform aims to contribute to the digital transformation of the EU labour market by introducing innovative teaching content and methods into vocational education and training (VET) curricula across 11 European countries. The primary goal is to support and foster the growth of a skilled workforce in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).
It is possible to say that developing technology has a great impact on our lives and has taken up a
We can read in the comprehensive mix of daily information that AI is entering our lives more and more thoroughly
In a world of information overload, creating content that cuts through the noise is essential for any brand. AI-powered content optimization offers
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