As a partner of  AI4VET4AI, S.K.T.A.I.H.L. held a conference with  many participnats from various majors and shools. The conference involved  VET students and teachers from 6 schools in order to enlighten them in the field of artificial intellegence and relevant implications of AI in education.Meanwhile, we presented an elaborated presentation of the Project AI4VET4AI so that the participants could be informed about the main streamlines of the project.Therefore,we had the opportunity to initiate the collaboration and cooparation within the stakeholders.

To begin with the history of the technology-education integration;before the invention of computers and other associated technologies, teachers and pupils either used mechanical means of education and learning, or they applied human labor alone. More processing power was made available with the advent of microcomputers, and consequently, personal computers in the 1970s, which signaled a significant shift to electronic computers for the general public. The advancement of personal computers in the 1970s was a major factor in the growth of electronic computers in particular and their availability to various entities across various sectors of the economy. The advancement of personal computers has enabled individuals and non-governmental organizations to possess and utilize computers for various purposes. These changes portended the widespread use of computers in many spheres of the economy and society.

Utilizing earlier studies on programmed instructions from the middle of the 20th century, advancements in computers and related computing technologies led to the use of computers in various departments within educational institutions and in the education sector as a whole. One such department was the development of computer aided instruction and learning (CAI/L) in classroom interactions. Subsequent advancements in computer technology, such as networking, the internet, the world wide web, and enhanced processing, computing, and other capabilities, such as task-oriented software packages and various programs, have led to an increase in the use of computers in education. Specifically, in several academic divisions inside educational establishments.

The advancement of computer and information communication technologies over time has resulted in the creation of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the capacity of robots to adjust to novel circumstances, handle situations that arise, solve issues, provide information, devise plans, and carry out a variety of other tasks requiring a level of intelligence that is generally exhibited by humans. Artificial intelligence can also be defined as the study of intelligent behavior in humans, animals, and machines with the goal of incorporating that behavior into artifacts like computers and related technology. These concepts make it clear that artificial intelligence, which gives computers the capacity to carry out almost human-like tasks, is the result of the convergence of computers, machine learning, and information communication technology advancements. Artificial intelligence has been widely used in education, keeping pace with the acceptance and application of emerging technology in this field.

Currently; when the term artificial intelligence is used, a supercomputer comes to mind. These machines have enormous processing power and can exhibit adaptive behavior by adding sensors and other features that give them cognitive and functional abilities similar to those of humans. In fact, these features even help supercomputers interact better with people. In fact, a number of films have been produced to demonstrate the potential of artificial intelligence. One such film, “Smart Building,” shows how the technology may regulate a building’s temperature, play music, and/or control its air quality based on its residents’ perceived moods. Artificial intelligence has found greater use in the field of education, surpassing the traditional perception of AI as a supercomputer to encompass embedded computer systems.For instance, AI, computers, and related hardware integrated into robots make it possible to build robots that enhance student learning, starting with the most fundamental educational program—early childhood education.

Meanwhile,it is true that routine tasks like spelling and pronunciation are taught to youngsters using cobots, or the application of robots that collaborate with teachers or other cobots to adapt to the students’ abilities. Similar to this, web-based and online education, as documented in various studies, has evolved from just providing students with online resources to download, study, and complete assignments in order to pass, to include intelligent and adaptive web-based systems that recognize learner and instructor behavior and modify to improve the quality of the educational experience.

In the context of AI4VET4AI; it is obvious that when information technology is used more and more, it will have an impact on education in various ways. AI4VET4AI aims to evaluate the ways in which many components of education have been affected or have been impacted by the usage of AI in education. In more detail, the study will look at how AI has impacted the fields of education administration and management, teaching, and learning. The study’s goal is to determine whether artificial intelligence (AI) has increased instructional and learning effectiveness overall and has made administrative duties in education more effective and efficient. Numerous stakeholders in the education system will gain from this study. It will add to the expanding body of knowledge, theory, and empirical research that identifies and examines the various ways that artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted education.

As a consequence ; in collaboration with relevant  institutions,AI4VET4AI  can create policies, strategies, and initiatives that support the positive effects of AI on VET while reducing the possibility of negative effects. This can be achieved by understanding the impact of AI on the education sector and evaluating the precise nature of such impact, including improved instructional and learning effectiveness.

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